Morency Therapy is the private practice of Dr Julie Hannan providing online counselling services for Barnt Green. Dr Hannan is a chartered counselling psychologist and psychotherapist who specialises in working with adults in Barnt Green who are experiencing difficulties. Dr Hannan works therapeutically with clients with the aim of strengthening the personal resources of each individual and helping them to enjoy life with greater awareness, confidence and self-esteem.
Where is Morency Therapy based?
Morency Therapy is based online.
Who should I contact?
All enquiries should be directed to Dr Julie Hannan through the contact form at .
Who does Morency Therapy provide online counselling services for in Barnt Green?
Dr Julie Hannan sees adults online who may be based in Barnt Green and throughout Worcestershire, Warwickshire and the West Midlands who self-refer to Morency Therapy or who have been referred to Morency Therapy via their GP.
What types of issues can Morency Therapy provide online counselling for in Barnt Green?
- Anxiety
- Bereavement and loss
- Burnout
- Childhood Trauma
- Depression
- Low self esteem
- Midlife Crisis
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Panic
- Postnatal Depression
- Relationship difficulties
- Resilience in the workplace
- Single Event Trauma
- Sleep difficulties
- Stress
What type of online Therapy is provided for Barnt Green?
Dr Julie Hannan provides online counselling services for Barnt Green and is trained in a wide range of therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy and Humanistic Therapy. The specific approach adopted with any one client will be based on an assessment of the clients’ needs and what is considered the most appropriate and helpful way of working with that person. Treatment interventions are based on the most up to date evidence for the treatment of psychological problems.
How long does online therapy last?
The length of treatment will vary from person to person dependent on the severity of their difficulties and will discussed during an initial assessment.
How long does an online counselling session last?
Sessions last for 60 minutes and are generally held on a weekly basis at the commencement of therapy.
Is there a cancellation fee?
Yes, 24 hours advance notice is required if you are unable to make a session. If a session is cancelled with 24 hours of the time it was due to take place, the full session fee will be charged.
Are my details and sessions confidential?
All dealings with Barnt Green clients are dealt with in the strictest confidence and subject to standards laid down by the British Psychological Society, Health and Care Professions Council and The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.