Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition where you have recurring obsessions, compulsions, or both.
What are obsessions?
Obsessions are unpleasant thoughts, images, or urges that keep coming into your mind. Obsessions are not simply worries about your life problems.

Common obsessions include:
- Fears about contamination with dirt, germs, etc.
- Worries about doors being unlocked, fires left on, causing harm to someone, etc.
- Intrusive thoughts or images of swearing, blasphemy, sex, someone harmed, etc.
- Fear of making a mistake or behaving badly.
- A need for exactness in how you order or arrange things.
What are compulsions?
Compulsions are thoughts or actions that you feel you must do or repeat. Usually the compulsive act is in response to an obsession. A compulsion is a way of trying to deal with the distress or anxiety caused by an obsession.For example, you may wash your hands every few minutes in response to an obsessional fear about germs or keep on checking that doors are locked in response to an obsession about feeling unsafe. Other compulsions include repeated cleaning, counting, touching, saying words silently, arranging and organising
What is the treatment for OCD?
The usual treatment for OCD is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and/or an SSRI antidepressant medicine. There is increasing evidence that supports the use of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy in treating OCD which is a different approach to CBT focusing on helping you to unravel and resolve deep rooted anxieties which are contributing to the OCD.